Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Solomon's Wisdom; The Master's House.

1Kings 6, 7:13-51
Highlights: 1 Kings 6:7,11-13,18,20-25,29-30,38,7:1

Solomon built the foretold Temple of GOD, Almighty and the following are notable activities for the fulfillment of this promise.

1.  He had not built his own palace but raised the temple first

Many of us today,want to have the good job, fat salary, great house, best spouse, most wonderful children, unfailing health, etc. before starting the service of the Lord. In as much as they are not bad things to get, Solomon's Wisdom teaches us quite the opposite. He builds his house only when he knew that the throne of GOD had a place.

2.  It would have taken a much longer time to successfully establish the description given of the temple

It took 7 years of head, heart, hand and hard work to build the magnificent temple for God which could have taken 20 years to complete on a normal day considering the resources available at the time. Whereas it took 13 years to complete Solomon's own palace. Wisdom shows that placing the service and things of God first would earn you more than the exact things you would have wanted before.

3.  He overlaid the temple with the best of everything thinkable.

It is believed that there has been no such magnificently adored temple in the history of the world than that of the temple of Solomon. This boils down to the
(a) the materials used;
     there were imported materials and skilled men like timber, dressed blocks and carvings, cedar wood of best quality and many more
(b) the tools and equipment used;
     there was no sound of hammer or chisel or any metal tool at the site of the temple.That meant the blocks were designed to be fixed in and it showed the reverence on site and
(c) the overlaying furnishing and ornaments
     there were gigantic cherubim carvings, pure gold, bronze artifacts, fir and pomegranate decorations, etc.

Moral Lesson:
We should serve God with the best we have and can offer 'even' when we have 'nothing' . We should place Gods work, body and comfort over ours. For he who waters, is also watered.  

Saturday, 15 February 2014


Every problem is a WISDOM problem. What you need to make it in life, is not the fat salary, good savings, perfect eating habit, nor that perfect spouse....
What you really need is the WISDOM to handle the limited resources in your hand ( like the 5 loaves + 2 fishes, the shepherd's staff, and that small flour...), to receive the greatest testimonies in life...

I pray for Wisdom that comes with Understanding and Knowledge through the Holy Spirit on All...